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Collective Acceleration

Collective Acceleration creates the conditions for the kind of evolution that resets who we need to be.

It is an unprecedented opportunity to leap forward, while connecting us toward mutuality, healing, and reconnection with who we are becoming.

As the world experiences an era of unprecedented change, we are called upon to engage in purposeful endeavors to activate the capacities, skills, practices, and relationships needed to pivot our culture, governance, and systems towards collective thriving.

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We engage in ongoing inquiry and learning about this era of acceleration, and how we can most fruitfully move into the moment of opportunity. We invite you to join in that inquiry here.

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Our diverse inquiry activates into a worldview that’s rooted in mutual thriving and wholeness, and is aimed at seizing opportunities that emerge when intentionally entering a slipstream of collective acceleration. Our endeavors are aligned, yet differentiated and organic. Come see how we’re accelerating.

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As we endeavor in collective acceleration, an array of living artifacts of our learning, community-building, and activation efforts have emerged in the form of art, poetry, story, recordings of gatherings, and more. Explore the many dimensions of collective acceleration through these artifacts.

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